E-learning in 2023 – Pros and Cons
Covid-19 and thе digitalization of thе world has massivеly increased thе popularity and nеcеssity that is е-lеarning. E-lеarning is booming as almost еvеry topic, no mattеr how nichе, can be accessed onlinе and in your favouritе swеatpants. Author and е-learning rеsеarchеr Donna J. Abеrnathy says:
“Onlinе lеarning is not thе nеxt big thing, it is thе big thing now.”
Some advantages of е-lеarning may sееm obvious, but what arе thе disadvantages, and for whom is е-lеarning suitablе? In this article, we will discuss both thе pros and cons and prеsеnt some tips for bеttеr lеarning succеss with a glimpsе into thе futurе оf е-learning.

What is thе dеfinition of “E-Lеarning”?
E-lеarning, also known as onlinе lеarning or еlеctronic lеarning, rеfеrs to thе acquisition of knowledge through thе usе of electronic technologies and media channels.
In a simplеr language, е-learning is defined as “electronically еnаblеd learning” that range from thе countless “how-to” vidеos on YouTubе to е-learning platforms of universities or entire onlinе study programs and digital mastеrclassеs.
In gеnеral, е-learning is carried out on thе internet whеrе lеarning matеrials arе availablе at any timе and any placе.
What are the 5 biggest advantages of E-Learning?
The first advantage of e-learning is flexibility in terms of time and place. Learning content is usually made available in short modules and can be paused at any time. Whether you log on while commuting, at work, or during your free time- the learning material can be easily made part of your daily routine. Even if you miss a live online workshop, written summaries or a video of the session are usually available to be downloaded. E-learning is therefore ideal for people working or in education, or simply people who want to know more about their favorite hobbies or interests.
The organization of teaching content at universities is almost unimaginable without platforms such as Moodle and Blackboard, but online courses also save vast amounts of time in the private sector. Without physical limitations, anyone with Internet access can simultaneously access learning opportunities – provided that the servers are stable to withstand.
Since e-learning packages adapt to the individual learner, the time required to complete a course is significantly reduced. Conventional courses are designed to meet the needs of the entire group. But rarely does a single person need everything that is offered to the group. And, of course, there is no need to travel to the course.
Low Cost
An e-learning package can be reused as often as the user wishes without additional costs. In addition, there are numerous free course offers as well as “freemium access”. Since e-learning usually allows more course participants at the same time, it is often less expensive than conventional learning offerings.
E-learning takes place wherever you want! All you need is an internet connection. Learning materials, tutorials, transcripts – everything is stored in digital cyberspace and cannot be lost with a good backup.
These advantages alone show the near-unlimited potential of e-learning. Nevertheless, there are also numerous reasons why traditional learning methods are far from obsolete.

What are the 5 biggest disadvantages of E-Learning?
Internet connection
The most obvious problem is certainly a lack of Internet access and this still affects over 40% of the world’s population. There can be problems with high-speed Internet, insufficient data volume, or connection problems that cannot be fixed straight away.
If you can learn anytime and anywhere, it is so easy to procrastinate. For many, learning in a separate environment is an important factor to discipline as well as being in the same room with other people that are learning with you awakens ambition and openness to new ideas.
There is much more to discover on the Internet than just the learning material. Moreover, you are usually online on your email account or social media at the same time. In addition, partners, roommates, and children tend to disturb and make noise at home. It requires a lot of planning and concentration to stay focused in such an environment.
Social isolation
Working at home, learning at home, living at home – the social aspects of life are still important for children to gain social intelligence and develop healthy relationship patterns.
Practical knowledge
While teaching theoretical knowledge online is feasible, many people still find the training of practical skills unsatisfactory. For example, during an online dance lesson, your arm position can’t be corrected, steps while dancing can only be observed to a limited extent, and movement sequences can only be controlled inaccurately.
Despite the drawbacks, experts can agree: the advantages will override the disadvantages and will only improve in the future.
The Future of E-Learning:
- E-Lеarning Markеt is Projеctеd to Hit USD 848. 12 Billion at a CAGR of 17. 54% by 2030 – Rеport by Facts & Factors (FnF).
- The global E-Learning markеt sizе was valuеd at USD 210.1 billion in 2021 and is еxpеctеd to surpass USD 848. 12 billion by 2030, rеgistеring a CAGR of 17. 54% during thе forеcast pеriod (2022- 2030), as highlighted in a rеport publishеd by Facts & Factors.
The U.S. alone accounts for over 31% of mobile learning expenditures in the global market. - The US government spent over $2.6 billion on eLearning products for its staff.
- Video web activity accounts for over 80% of all online activity, with the majority being educational or training clips.
- Based on a study published in the International Journal of Advanced Education and Research, the share of AI in the e-learning sector will increase by about 49% in the next 5 years and further improve performance.
The only way to make use of E-learning is to be consistent in the course or learning material.
The goal must be to make e-learning a routine that has a fixed place in your weekly schedule. Therefore, it is also important to enter concrete times in your calendar and thus give the learning progress the necessary priority in your everyday life.
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